I'm thrilled to find out that I can play Clash of clans and Temple Run on my PC. Apparently this has been possible for quite some time now. But it's new to me, so here comes a blog post!
Coolest of programmers have created a thing called Android Emulator called BlueStacks that allows us to use or test android apps using our computers. This is awesome because the steps are so easy, even a newb can manage the installation process without any problem.
Step 1 : Go to BlueStacks website using this link : http://www.bluestacks.com/app-player.html
Step 2 : Download the player. (If you own a PC click the green button and the mac users should use the silver one)
Step 3 : Click on the downloaded file and Install the player.
Step 4 : Open BlueStacks player and search for the app/game you would like to use.
It's that simple! :)
I'm sure most of you might know better or similar alternatives to BlueStack. (I've heard of www.andyroid.net too.) Feel free to mention them in the comments box below.
Good bye for now, because I have a Programming quiz today evening! ;)
excellent! :-)